

Implemented a trie today. Super happy about it 😆


Working in a team has made me realize: engineering is not just about code. This article on becoming the designer/pm's favourite engineer has a lot of great action items I'd like to start implementing.


I understand React Server Components (RSCs) to a better degree thanks to https://www.mux.com/blog/what-are-react-server-components

Should start migrating this website to RSCs soon...


Tryna make sense of all the buzzwords here: Hydration is a tree, Resumability is a map


Commiting node-modules to the repository is a pretty wild take, though it makes sense? Haven't thought about it that way. Article in question


The !Empathetic Engineer is hilarious


Finally got time to redesign this website from scratch. Couple of things I'd like to share:

  • The background-attachment property for linear gradient backgrounds is finicky on mobile because height viewports on mobile are nuanced. Caught me off-guard
  • https://hypercolor.dev/ is a great find. All gradients found here are slight variations of those


Remember Heroku ditched their free plan in November? Well I didn't switch my Node projects. Today I found the time to deploy those to cyclic.

The projects can be found here:


A really interesting read: Developing applications that never read


Upgrading to Next 13

Updated this site to next.js 13. The app/ directory looks neat, though I've not decided to use it for the time being. Wasn't particularly fond of the page reload when navigating between a pages/ page and a app/ page. Also waiting on a global 404 page support in app/ before fully making the switch.


Using notistack with Material UI in a project. I've grown to love snackbars/toasters so much


Listening in to Firebase Summit 2022


Learned about dynamic keys definition for objects in TypeScript.

Also, reading up on Material UI. These component libraries are really attractive 🤩


Been attending ViteConf on and off. The Codeflow announcement was amazing!



Reading up on reactfire and react-firebase-hooks for a firebase project I'm building.


At this point I'm listing out leetcode problems:


More leetcode; learned about binary addition.

Also reading up on discord.js


Did a couple of leetcode problems. Additionally, on the lookout for color palettes to add as themes to this website.


Had a productive leetcode sesh today:


While solving linked list cycle, I discovered the tortoise & hare algorithm, pretty cool.

Additionally, I'm really slacking on vordl. Hitting roadblocks one after another. I've set up a GitHub project board to track progress, hope it helps...


Upgraded to Ubuntu 22 🤷


Done reading through the React Query article series I mentioned in the previous log. Looking forward to apply all this newfound knowledge.

On other news, heroku pulled the plug on free apps. Actively searching for alternatives to host my Express projects; Railway sounds promising.


I'm starting to grasp binary trees at a more finer level with the lowest common ancestor of BST leetcode problem. My solution was a bit roundabout than others, yet I'm pretty satisified with it.

Also reading through this wonderful article series on react query. I've been through the first five, more later; I should've done this sooner 😅


Spent so much time figuring out how to send a post request using mutations in React Query (didn't expect the learning curve to hit this hard...)

Then, I realized the http only cookies weren't being sent to the server with the requests. I had to pass in the credentials option with the request, and mess around some cors headers on the server to wire it all correctly. Frustrations all around



  • Did some RSpec exercises
  • Refactored the Input components for vordl
  • Started working on the flood fill leetcode problem, it seems interesting

I'm also thinking of adding a dark mode to this website 🤔


Building momentum on vordl's frontend by writing simple reusable components i.e Button, Link, and Input. Feels good to be writing React after some time. I'm really excited to see where how the end product will look like 😁


Inverted a binary tree today. Exciting times


Finally done with the Knight Travails implementation in Ruby. It was a draining program to write. Learned a lot about graphs and queues in the process though.


Today's activities:


Completed all the API validation for the vordl server. This isn't it for the server, but I feel comfortable starting work on the frontend now. Although, probably will read up on react-query. zustand also caught my eye.

On the leetcode side of things, I've begun writing a solution for merge two sorted lists problem. I do have a linked list implemented in Ruby, so hopefully this shouldn't give me too many headaches.


Solved the Valid Parantheses leetcode problem. Admittedly, it was hard 😅

Other than that, slowly chipping away at the vordl server.


Refactored MVC server code on my vordl project to follow a module based folder structure, I only had the auth code written so not a lot of headaches fortunately. Additionally, started work on the file uploading feature to cloudinary with multer


working on my website

trying to implement a logging feature at zulfi.dev/logs