Software Engineer


I'm a passionate self-driven developer who is forever learning and building cool stuff.

// working with the following tools and beyond 🚀




A social media website written in React & TypeScript.

  • - Allowed users to join communities, create and like posts, and submit comments
  • - Leveraged Firebase to store data and implement user authentication
  • - Used the React Context API to manage the application state
  • - Tested all avenues of user interaction, including forms and buttons and more with the React Testing Library


A blogging website written in the MERN stack.

  • - Developed a RESTful API which serves two frontend applications and made it secure with JSON Web Tokens
  • - Built a password protected admin frontend client that communicates with the database via the RESTful API
  • - Created another frontend for external audience to view published blogs
Pals Only

Pals Only

A message board application written in Express.

  • - Implemented hierarchical user roles which unlocks various permissions (post messages, view profiles, admin privileges)
  • - Developed the application using the Model, View, and Controller (MVC) architecture
  • - Authenticated users with the Passport.js library and safely hash passwords with bcryptjs


Maintainer @ The Odin Project

The Odin Project is an open source curriculum for web development with over 2 million unique visitors in 2022. As a maintainer, I've written lessons for our learners, reviewed pull requests on our multiple repositories, and drove new initiatives to improve the platform. Most notable contribution is leading a community effort to release a brand new React course.

Currently, I'm leading a community project to upgrade our NodeJS course. Additionally, I also maintain TOP's Discord bot, written in discord.js, which is used in a Discord server of 90 thousand plus members.

Other Contributions

I have documentation pull requests in MDN and Material UI.

I ❤️ open source!


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